Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Journey In My Life~

I finally made it for running 3000m in my entire life! I did it! The thing i had learn from this running experience is that...3000m is just a tiny little part of your life compare to the journey of your entire life. It may be tired, exhausted or perhaps you are about to giving up..but please do remember : never give up! Once you give up, your whole life gone, lost and you seeking something blindly. As God never give up on us, we should do the same. Jesus 'run' his whole life as a human just for one purpose: die for us to cleanse our sin! So we should live for him and live like him in order to honour and glorify His name...Thats about it (the thing i want to share) :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Sometimes" we think we very different until we think Other people are so plain in color..


But yet if you accept we are different and get over it , there's full of color :)

And Yes we are different ,because God had save us :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A True Story and True Fact!

An American man in US found out that most of his organ in his body and fail to function (Necrosis) and doctor offer him 2 choices: (1) Find a fresh organs from a living human body perhaps before his/her last breath, you can transplant and alive. (2) Back to home and spend your last few moments. As we all know, choice (1) is hardly may acheive. So he loosing his hope in survival and feels extremely sad, he pray so hard to God day and night after that. When he is completely giving up and waiting for his arrival of death, suddenly a phone call from hospital asking him whether he whether still want to transplant the new organs and come to hospital right away for the operation. In this moment, his hope arise and feels comfort that finally God had answer his prayer. A girl met an accident who cant be rescue anymore had approve to transplant her organs to this man by her parents. And so due to her death, he gain his new life and her organs fit and function perfectly for him.
Like Jesus Christ, we as sinners are completely rotten and one must die so that we can get our new life. Therefore, due to His death, we are now gaining the new life.