Saturday, April 23, 2011


昨天是受难节。今年对受难节没有什么很深的感受,甚至觉得只不过进行一个普通的仪式... ...


昨天是受难节。我专心在自己的练琴上、娱乐上,一点也没有想参加受难节讲座会。甚至连朋友问起有没有去,也只是笑笑地说没有。当知道朋友也没去的时候,心里也想也有人不想去,所以我可以偷懒不去一次。今年受难节,很很... ...普通。


“不要离开,不要离开... ...”,唤起那已被麻木的心。看见以前自己决心读音乐系的祷告;看见自己勇敢地说出:“上帝,我愿献上。”;看见自己将来在音乐上服事。原来心已经远离了上帝,但自己却不认真看待这样的自己,也没有勇气去面对这样的自己。

“不要离开,不要离开.... ...”就好似上帝对我说:“孩子,你在哪里?”




Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rise And Rise Again Until Lambs Become Lions!

Everytime when i feel like giving up or sometimes i feel like everything i do is so worthless, tiring and doing the same thing all over and over again-i remember a quote which inspire me and key in deeply inside my mind, that is: rise and rise again until lambs become means never give up for the cause of liberty, never, ever, give up.Rise and rise again, until the docile lambs become conquering lions. I like this quote very much and its from the Russell Crowe, Ridley Scott movie Robin of the Hood, and this quote was a transforming saying that Robin Longstride, a.k.a Robin of the Hood, learned as a boy and remebered as a man. Thinking very hard, i realise that actually doing same thing over and over did helping myself to improve (if you do the same thing in different way and different view), i am sure you will learn a lot. While the process is very hard, but in the end i am absolutely, truly, completely knowing that the process is helping you in future; hone you to become a better person and getting you ready for the battle. Keep telling myself: yea it is hard, tiring and bored but think for the result then you are able to proceed..rise...rise...and...rise again...dun give up! there is a great things awaits you...

Like a long run, reaching a destination gives you a great satisfaction which cannot be replace by anything, the feeling is far more happier, relax than any other entertainment. Life is the same too. Everything starts in a hard way and ends with a satisfaction if you manage to go through the process. This quote had inspire me a lot and therefore i would like to share it.. :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Journey In My Life~

I finally made it for running 3000m in my entire life! I did it! The thing i had learn from this running experience is that...3000m is just a tiny little part of your life compare to the journey of your entire life. It may be tired, exhausted or perhaps you are about to giving up..but please do remember : never give up! Once you give up, your whole life gone, lost and you seeking something blindly. As God never give up on us, we should do the same. Jesus 'run' his whole life as a human just for one purpose: die for us to cleanse our sin! So we should live for him and live like him in order to honour and glorify His name...Thats about it (the thing i want to share) :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Sometimes" we think we very different until we think Other people are so plain in color..


But yet if you accept we are different and get over it , there's full of color :)

And Yes we are different ,because God had save us :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A True Story and True Fact!

An American man in US found out that most of his organ in his body and fail to function (Necrosis) and doctor offer him 2 choices: (1) Find a fresh organs from a living human body perhaps before his/her last breath, you can transplant and alive. (2) Back to home and spend your last few moments. As we all know, choice (1) is hardly may acheive. So he loosing his hope in survival and feels extremely sad, he pray so hard to God day and night after that. When he is completely giving up and waiting for his arrival of death, suddenly a phone call from hospital asking him whether he whether still want to transplant the new organs and come to hospital right away for the operation. In this moment, his hope arise and feels comfort that finally God had answer his prayer. A girl met an accident who cant be rescue anymore had approve to transplant her organs to this man by her parents. And so due to her death, he gain his new life and her organs fit and function perfectly for him.
Like Jesus Christ, we as sinners are completely rotten and one must die so that we can get our new life. Therefore, due to His death, we are now gaining the new life.

Sunday, January 9, 2011




普遍上,司琴没有很好的音准。(华语很难说明白,就是Generally, a pianist do not have good tune and good listening. 这,只是普遍上而已,当然也有很棒的钢琴家。)大家学琴的时候,多重技巧胜于聆听。我常觉得一个好的表演是由心发出,是从生命演奏出来的。聆听成为心和手之间的桥梁。




HoW To FaCE ThIS NeW YeAR 2011?

In our life we will always face challenges and troubles, however i believe there is always have the One who lead me to overcome all these.
Whenever i face trouble, I knew that
1) God is our refuge & strength, a very present help in trouble."
2) Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved unto the heart of sea,
3) Though its waters roar & foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.
4) There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High.
5) God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her whenmorning dawns,
6) The nations rage, the kingdom totler; He utters His voice, the Earth melts.
7) The Lord of Host is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.
8) Come, behold the works of the Lord, how he has brought desolations on the Earth.
9) He makes wars cease to the end of earth; he breaks the bow and shatlers the spears; he burns the Chariots with fire.
10) "Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"
11) The Lord of hostsis with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Psalm 46 :)