Tuesday, March 24, 2015

地狱逃亡 Hell Break




Friday, December 6, 2013

太初有道,道与 神同在,道就是 神。

太初有道,道与 神同在,道就是 神。
这道太初与 神同在。


约翰以 “道”  作为福音书之始,但并没有立刻指出 “道” 是谁或是什么。英语的 “道” 字(word) 是说话的单位,用以向人表达自己。这里“道”不是指一段说话或演辞,乃是一个人──神的儿子主耶稣基督。神在主耶稣身上全面向人类彰显他自己。基督来到世上,完美地向我们显明神的形象。基督在十字架上受死,说出神何等爱我们。故此,基督就是神给人活泼的道(话语),表达神的心意。


  一1 太初有道。主耶稣的存在并没有起头,是从亘古直到永远的。早至人类能够想象到的远古时代,主耶稣已存在。没有人创造他,他并无生之始(这卷福音书没有家谱)。道与神同在。耶稣有他独特的个性。他并不是一个理念,一种思想,或一些模糊的观念。他是一个真实的实体,又与神同在。道就是神。他不但与神同在,更是神本身。


  一2 第2节似乎只重复第1节,但其实并不是。这节教导我们基督的性情及神性是没有起初的。他并非只在伯利恒降生时才有位格;也并非如一些人所说,在复活后才成为一个神。他从亘古直到永远是神。

  一3 万物是藉着他造的。他并不是受造物,而是万物的创造主。万物,包括人类、动物,天上的星宿、天使──一切有形及无形的东西。凡被造的,没有一样不是藉着他造的,绝无例外。只要有一样存在,都是他造的。他身为创造主,地位当然超越一切受造之物。神的三个位格都有分于创造。“神创造天地”(创一1)“神的灵运行在水面上”(创一2)“一切都是藉他(基督)造的,又是为他造的”(西一16下)。

  一4 生命在他里头。这句话不单指他拥有生命,亦指他是生命的源头。生命包括属灵及肉身的生命。我们出生的时候,便有肉身的生命;重生的时候,便有属灵的生命;二者都是从基督而来的。





  一5 光照在黑暗里。罪来到世界,将黑暗带进人类的心灵。他们再不知道神是谁,也没有兴趣去知。整个世界也陷于黑暗之中,主耶稣到来,就象光照在黑暗里。


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"Only Hope"

There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold
But You sing to me over and over and over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
and pray to be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now you're my only hope

Sing to me the song of the stars
Of Your galaxy dancing and laughing
and laughing again
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that You have for me over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope

I give You my destiny
I'm giving You all of me
I want Your symphony
Singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Faith the dog

        Is been a while did not update the blog, I recently read about an article about Faith the dog which I was very motivated by this adorable creature :) Faith (the dog's name) was born with 3 legs - 2 healthy hind legs and 1 abnormal front leg which needed to be amputated. Of course it couldn't walk as normal dogs suppose to walk with 4 legs but eventually due to the determination and faith of it's owner and itself, it finally manage to walk even with two legs, how inspiring! In life there are always undesirable things. Perhaps a person who feels things are not going as well as they could will feel better if they change their point of view and see things from another perspecive. Life is the continual demonstration of the power of thinking positive and having faith. Never lose faith.
        Few days back, my family and I lost our beloved dog - Patches. Though sad but we never regret that we take care of it like one of our family. I will miss it now and then, I was happy that I had sweet memories spending time with it. The only thing I regret was that I was not there when it leaving. Farewell, my friend! :)
                                          Faith was following his owner
                                              Beloved Patches   :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011


昨天是受难节。今年对受难节没有什么很深的感受,甚至觉得只不过进行一个普通的仪式... ...


昨天是受难节。我专心在自己的练琴上、娱乐上,一点也没有想参加受难节讲座会。甚至连朋友问起有没有去,也只是笑笑地说没有。当知道朋友也没去的时候,心里也想也有人不想去,所以我可以偷懒不去一次。今年受难节,很很... ...普通。


“不要离开,不要离开... ...”,唤起那已被麻木的心。看见以前自己决心读音乐系的祷告;看见自己勇敢地说出:“上帝,我愿献上。”;看见自己将来在音乐上服事。原来心已经远离了上帝,但自己却不认真看待这样的自己,也没有勇气去面对这样的自己。

“不要离开,不要离开.... ...”就好似上帝对我说:“孩子,你在哪里?”




Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rise And Rise Again Until Lambs Become Lions!

Everytime when i feel like giving up or sometimes i feel like everything i do is so worthless, tiring and doing the same thing all over and over again-i remember a quote which inspire me and key in deeply inside my mind, that is: rise and rise again until lambs become lions....it means never give up for the cause of liberty, never, ever, give up.Rise and rise again, until the docile lambs become conquering lions. I like this quote very much and its from the Russell Crowe, Ridley Scott movie Robin of the Hood, and this quote was a transforming saying that Robin Longstride, a.k.a Robin of the Hood, learned as a boy and remebered as a man. Thinking very hard, i realise that actually doing same thing over and over did helping myself to improve (if you do the same thing in different way and different view), i am sure you will learn a lot. While the process is very hard, but in the end i am absolutely, truly, completely knowing that the process is helping you in future; hone you to become a better person and getting you ready for the battle. Keep telling myself: yea it is hard, tiring and bored but think for the result then you are able to proceed..rise...rise...and...rise again...dun give up! there is a great things awaits you...

Like a long run, reaching a destination gives you a great satisfaction which cannot be replace by anything, the feeling is far more happier, relax than any other entertainment. Life is the same too. Everything starts in a hard way and ends with a satisfaction if you manage to go through the process. This quote had inspire me a lot and therefore i would like to share it.. :)